On the Plus Side
A Facebook friend drew this cartoon by Tom Gauld to my attention. This could be a discussion between a professor and their undergraduate student, or between two academic colleagues. There are different...
View ArticleScholars Love The Bible
Something I said a while back has been turned into a meme and begun to circulate on Twitter: .@ReligionProf: Quote of yours from 2015 that I liked and kept. Came across it and figured it needed a meme....
View ArticleSBL Statement on Academic Freedom
The Society of Biblical Literature issued a statement on academic freedom. Here is an excerpt: The Society of Biblical Literature supports academic freedom for scholars in their research, publication,...
View ArticleDigital Humanist Wanted
This job announcement came to my attention via the NASCAS e-mail list, and I thought it worth sharing here. The Institute for Medieval Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, is seeking a Digital...
View Article#CFP – In/Out: Forms of Space in Science Fiction
A conference about science fiction in Tel Aviv? Sure sounds interesting to me! Here are the details: In/Out: Forms of Space in Science Fiction deadline for submissions: September 30, 2017 full name /...
View ArticleReligion Opening at Butler University
I want to spread the word about an opening at Butler University in my own Department of Philosophy, Religion, and Classics: Assistant Professor of Religion Butler University seeks to hire a...
View ArticleInfographic as Syllabus
My colleague Jessica Moore created this “pseudosyllabus” as a way of starting off her course on communication this semester. I thought it was fantastic, and she kindly gave me permission to share it.
View ArticleOpening for Scholarly Communications Librarian at Butler University
One of the many job openings listed on the Butler website at the moment: Scholarly Communication Librarian Position Overview Butler University Libraries invite applications for a Scholarly...
View ArticleScholars Using Social Media
Larry Hurtado, Deane Galbraith, Scot McKnight, and Bob Cornwall are among those who’ve already mentioned a new book that many more contributed to, including myself: Thomas Jay Oord’s edited volume,...
View ArticleTear Down The Tower!
Ivy Helman writes in her blog post “Academics and Activism”: Life in an ivory tower would only serve to distance one’s self from activism. Why do such a thing? Then the answer came to me: privilege....
View ArticleUnbiased Scholars vs. Activist Academics?
When I shared a post and meme about the classic notion of the academic in an ivory tower recently, I also shared on Facebook some of my own experience that led to my change of perspective. Here is what...
View ArticleThus Have We Made The World
I remember the scene in the movie The Mission in which one of the characters responds to the statement “thus is the world” by saying “no, thus have we made the world – thus have I made it.” I wonder...
View Article#CFP Butler Journal of Undergraduate Research
It is long overdue for me to highlight this particular publishing opportunity for undergraduates. If there is something that my own institution does well, it is undergraduate research. In addition to...
View ArticleGnostic America Conference
April DeConick shared this information about a conference that is coming up very soon – in less than two weeks, in fact! Gnostic America Conference I am pleased to announce the Gnostic America...
View ArticleSecond Temple Early Career Academy
Charlotte Hempel shared this news on Facebook: We are today launching the STECA Blog – A Virtual Common Room for Doctoral Researchers and Early Career Researchers in Second Temple Judaism and beyond....
View ArticlePopular Culture Association Conference 2018 #PCA2018
I seized the opportunity afforded by the Popular Culture Association conference being in Indianapolis this year to attend the conference for the first time, and in fact presented a paper. Doing so was...
View ArticleLMS Implications
Something in the Chronicle Teaching Newsletter resonated deeply with something I realized in a Digital Humanities reading group that I have been helping to facilitate. I was obviously aware that I have...
View ArticlePen Seeking Understanding
Scot McKnight wrote eloquently about the place of writing in the life of an academic: [W]riting can’t be done on the side because, as James Vanoosting says it, “Writing is not pedagogy but an...
View ArticleRepresentation in Scholarship #womenalsoknowbible #womenalsoknowreligion...
Seeing the Inside Higher Ed piece about the Twitter hashtag #womenalsoknowhistory, which then led me to the Chronicle of Higher Education article about the website by the same name, I found myself...
View ArticleNova Science Publishers
I received an invitation recently to submit a manuscript which I felt I should share, despite the warning not to do so at the bottom of the email. Sending me an unsolicited email seems to invalidate...
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